Important Tips and Reminders About Your Monthly Insurance Invoice
Employer groups will receive an itemized monthly invoice (via paper or electronic bill) from the insurance carrier about one month before the invoice due date. The invoice will include the due date, total premium due, past due amounts, and any fees that apply.
It is important to check the accuracy of each monthly invoice and pay the premium amount listed on your bill. Please notify the insurance carrier or your ARC Client Relations Advisor immediately if there are discrepancies.
Adjustments to Your Bill: Employee/Dependent Additions and Deletions
New Enrollments. Premiums for employees/dependents who are being added or who do not appear on the bill should not be included with your payment. The appropriate premiums will be included on a subsequent bill after your insurance carrier has processed and approved the request for coverage.
Deletions. Your insurance carrier will make adjustments on a subsequent bill after the termination has been processed. Payments not made “in full” could subject your account to termination. It is important to submit deletions as they occur for timely processing. Failure to submit eligibility change information in a timely manner could result in premium inaccuracies that the employer group and/or employee may not be able to recover. Most medical insurance carriers will only go back 60 days from the date of notification.
Employer/Employee Portal Access
Remember to sign up for online account access through your insurance carrier employer portal, which allows password-protected access to real-time information that makes it easy to manage your account. Online registration is quick, easy, and secure!
Employees are encouraged to sign up for the employee portal where they can view and print ID cards, view claims and Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), and more.
For more information, please contact your ARC Client Relations Advisor.