401k Pooled Employer Plan (PEP)

Are you looking to offer your employees a retirement plan but want to limit expense, fiduciary liability and time commitment? Alternatively, are you looking to find efficiencies in your current plan by outsourcing certain functions and responsibilities?

retirement reality check

Among American workers, less than 50% feel confident they will have enough money to live comfortably through retirement. Only 16 percent of employers think most of their employees are saving adequately for retirement. Sadly, the retirement crisis is real.

The good news? SOCA has developed a 401k pooled employer plan to offer employees of all sizes an easy and affordable solution.

advantages of pooled employer plans

  • Cost Efficiencies

    Costs are estimated to be 30 to 40 percent lower because they are spread across a larger participant and asset base, often reducing the costs for each employer in the plan.

  • Fiduciary Risk Mitigation

    The PEP assumes responsibility for many of the fiduciary functions, lessening the adopting employer’s fiduciary responsibilities. Additionally, the pooled plan provider, assumes many of the operational and administrative burdens on behalf of adopting employers, including eligibility, beneficiary tracking, and plan disbursements.

  • Time Savings and Increased Focus

    Adopting employers spend less time managing a 401k benefit, allowing more focus on growing revenues and profits in their business.

learn more about this opportunity

The SOCA 401k PEP is available to groups of all sizes, including groups of one. Fill out the form below to find out if it is a good option for your business!


The purpose of this communication is the solicitation of insurance. Contact will be made by an insurance agent or insurance company. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. ARC Benefit Solutions currently represents 15 organizations and more than 16,000 total possible plan options, depending upon your county of residence. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options. This site contains decision-support content and information about Medicare, services related to Medicare, and services for people with Medicare. If you would like to find more information about the Medicare program please visit the Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare located at http://www.medicare.gov.